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ahmed sinan
11 Watchers33 Deviations
Wer baute das siebentorige Theben
In den Büchern stehen die Namen von Königen.
Haben die Könige die Felsbrocken herbeigeschleppt?
Und das mehrmals zerstörte Babylon,
Wer baute es so viele Male auf? In welchen Häusern
Des goldstrahlenden Lima wohnten die Bauleute?
Wohin gingen an dem Abend, wo die chinesische Mauer fertig war,
Die Maurer? Das große Rom
Ist voll von Triumphbögen. Über wen
Triumphierten die Cäsaren? Hatte das vielbesungene Byzanz
Nur Paläste für seine Bewohner? Selbst in dem sagenhaften Atlantis
Brüllten doch in der Nacht, wo das Meer es verschlang,
Die Ersaufenden nach ihren Sklaven.
Der junge Alexander eroberte Indien.
Er allein?
Cäsar schlug die Gallier.
Hatte er nicht wenigstens einen Koch bei sich?
Philipp von Spanien weinte, als seine Flotte
Untergegangen war. Weinte sonst niemand?
Friedrich der Zweite siegte im Siebenjährigen Krieg. Wer
Siegte außer ihm?
Jede Seite ein Sieg.
Wer kochte den Siegesschmaus?
Alle zehn Jahre ein großer Mann.
Wer bezahlte die Spesen?

So viele Berichte,

So viele Fragen.

                                                         Bertolt Brecht                                

                             Okuyan Bir İşçinin Soruları                                          

Kim kurdu yedi kapılı Tebe'yi?
Kitaplarda kralların adı yazılı.
Krallar mı çekti kayaları?
Va bir çok kez yıkılan Babil-
Kim kurdu bunca kez yeniden? Hangi evlerinde
Altın ışıyan limanın otururdu yapı işçileri?
Nereye gittiler Çin Seddinin bittiği akşam
Duvarcılar? Büyük Roma
Dolu zafer taklarıyla. Kim dikti onları? Kime karşı
Zafer kazandı Sezarlar? Dillerden düşmeyen Bizans
Yalnız saraylar mı verdi yurttaşlarına? Dillere destan

                Antardid'de bile
Haykırdılar denizin ülkeyi yuttuğu gece
Boğulanlar kölelerine.
Genç İskender  Hindistan'ı fethetti.
Bir başına mı?
Sezar Galleri yendi.
Bir aşçısı da mı yoktu yanında?
İspanyol  kralı Filip ağladı, donanması
Batınca. Başka ağlayan olmadı mı?
İkinci Frederik Yedi Yıl Savaşlarını kazandı. Kim
Kazandı ondan başka?

Her sayfa bir zafer.
Kim pişirdi zafer şölenini?
Her on yılda bir büyük adam.
Kim ödedi masrafını
Bunca haber.
Bunca soru.                                                                                    

                               Bertolt Brecht                                                               

Türkçe Çevirisi :           Yüksel Pazarkaya
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2 min read
If I could live again my life,
In the next - I'll try,
- to make more mistakes,
I won't try to be so perfect,
I'll be more relaxed,
I'll be more full - than I am now,
In fact, I'll take fewer things seriously,
I'll be less hygenic,

I'll take more risks,
I'll take more trips,
I'll watch more sunsets,
I'll climb more mountains,
I'll swim more rivers,
I'll go to more places - I've never been,
I'll eat more ice creams and less (lime) beans,
I'll have more real problems - and less imaginary

I was one of those people who live
prudent and prolific lives -
each minute of his life,
Offcourse that I had moments of joy - but,
if I could go back I'll try to have only good moments,

If you don't know - thats what life is made of,
Don't lose the now!

I was one of those who never goes anywhere
without a thermometer,
without a hot-water bottle,
and without an umberella and without a parachute,

If I could live again - I will travel light,
If I could live again - I'll try to work bare feet
at the beginning of spring till
the end of autumn,
I'll ride more carts,
I'll watch more sunrises and play with more children,
If I have the life to live - but now I am 85,
- and I know that I am dying ...

                                                        Jorge Luis Borges
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